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Hospitality culture: 10 basic principles

The laws of hospitality are among the oldest in the world. It used to be believed that a guest in a house was a gift from the gods, so you should treat him with respect and never harm him. This tradition has survived in many cultures to this day.

Several basic principles of hospitality can be identified. They work everywhere – from domestic interactions to commercial relationships.

1. Smile

A smile always has a positive effect on communication. When you see a smiling face, sometimes you don’t even notice how the corners of your lips turn upwards and your mood improves a little.

2. Cordiality

One of the basic principles of hospitality is to show the guest that they are welcome. It doesn’t matter what kind of mood they are in – even if they are angry or irritated, they should remain friendly and welcoming. Of course, this rule can be neglected if the guest is disrespectful or aggressive.

3. Responsiveness

It is very important for a hospitable host to respond promptly to guest requests. When it is not possible to fulfill them, it is worth finding an alternative. For example, if a guest asks for coffee and suddenly runs out of it, you can offer them a delicious tea or hot chocolate.

4. Constant communication with the guest

If a guest needs something, they should always have a way to find you. In the event that it is not possible to be with the person at all times or you plan to be away for a while, be sure to leave a phone number and try not to miss any calls.

5. Precaution

You need to be prepared for the arrival of guests. It is worth thinking about what people may need.

When hosting them at home, put things in order, have extra slippers ready, put appliances on the table, and hang a clean hand towel in the bathroom. When people plan to stay overnight, make fresh linen.

Hotels, restaurants, business centers and other establishments are also always prepared to receive visitors. There the preparation is more standardized and takes place in accordance with established procedures. However, the essence remains the same – the guest should feel comfortable and not need anything.

6. Respecting personal boundaries

Points 3, 4 and 5 are very important, but you should also respect the guest’s personal space and keep a certain distance. This applies not only to people who don’t know each other, but also to people who know each other well.

You should not bore a person with conversations and questions. Moreover, you should not ask about something personal.

A guest staying overnight should not be disturbed unnecessarily. The room in which he is staying is his territory for the entire period of his stay, whether it is a room in an old friend’s apartment or a hotel room.

7. Punctuality and commitment

Everything that is promised to a guest must be fulfilled. The same point should also be taken into account when keeping time-related agreements. It is especially bad form to be late to meet a guest.

8. Safety

The guest should feel protected. This implies a person’s confidence that no one will intrude on their home, property or personal safety.

9. Conflict management skills

Unfortunately, sometimes arguments with guests happen. Of course, the best way to avoid them is, for example, by making a joke when you see that your interlocutor is starting to boil over. If the conflict could not be avoided – you should try by all means as quickly as possible to extinguish it. In no case should you respond with aggression to aggression, shouting and insults, even if you really want to prove the guest wrong.

10. Sincere interest

A hospitable host will always listen to the guest with interest and keep a relaxed conversation with him. When talking, it is always worthwhile to face the person without being distracted by gadgets or any personal matters.

When there are several guests, it is necessary to pay attention to everyone. If some person is sitting on the sidelines and is obviously bored, you should try to draw him into the conversation unobtrusively and without too much insistence.

These principles will be useful both for those who occasionally receive guests in their homes and for those who work with people on a regular basis. They will facilitate communication with any person and help to build harmonious, mutually beneficial relationships.

Alina Nikolaeva