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How to stop bullying

A common phenomenon in the adolescent environment

The desire of adolescents to join groups and create communities is understandable, but often psychologists cannot understand the cause of the enmity between one person and the group that constantly harasses him. This phenomenon is called bullying.

At a more mature age, it is also possible to be exposed to it – this phenomenon is rare, but it is found in work teams, where the so-called “black sheep” can appear, which does not fit into the general and accepted ideas about corporate culture. But since it is much easier for an adult to resist and endure such bullying psychologically, we will consider how to cope with such peer pressure for a teenager.

How to avoid peer pressure, and what behavior strategy to choose to solve the situation

First, you should realize that bullying is not a conflict. Conflict always has two (or more) points of view. Also, conflict sometimes has a creative function, in disputes and different visions of the same problem, an optimal solution to the problem can be born, improvement of any relationship, etc. In the case of bullying, there is no need to hope for a positive outcome. This is psychological pressure on one person by the group. Choosing a victim for such a person. Choosing a victim for such a violence group rarely manages to stop, by inertia there are more and more new reasons for mockery. Therefore, timely identified bullying can be eliminated at the first stages of formation.

Secondly, in every group there is an overt or covert leader who is followed and listened to. When pressured by a group of teenagers, it is important to identify the instigator. As a rule, this is an overbearing, largely aggressive and charismatic person who always stands out against the general background. This person should be talked to in private, because in the presence of a support group, such a teenager may behave differently. seeking approval and additional influence points. In private, a person is able to get out of the image, and it is at such a moment that you can reach out to him, find out the cause of the problem, determine possible solutions to it, and come to a compromise. The following behavior should not be tolerated when talking:

  • lower your eyes or look to the side (the gaze should be directed at the interlocutor);
  • speak in a quiet and uncertain voice (the voice should not tremble, the timbre should be calm);
  • show your fear (all body gestures should indicate a serious attitude, confidence, lack of fear of this conversation).

💬 Only through negotiations can the situation be resolved at the first stages of it.

Anastasia Golodova